If you are experiencing hardship, a short-term forbearance may be available. Additional eligibility criteria and requirements may apply. To determine if you qualify, please call.
Financial Hardship Forbearance - If you are experiencing unexpected financial hardship, which may include but is not limited to: illness, maternity leave, reduction in monthly income, or business failure.
Natural Disaster Forbearance - If your ZIP code of residence is declared as an Individual Assistance zone by FEMA due to a natural disaster.
Military Service - You may postpone repayment of your loan(s) while you are:
serving on active duty during a war or other military operation or national emergency, or
performing qualifying National Guard duty during a war or other military operation or national emergency.
You must provide MOHELA with a copy of your military orders or a written statement from your commanding or personnel officer, or you must have your commanding or personnel officer certify your service.
Unemployment/Underemployment Deferment - If you are unemployed (voluntary or involuntary) or your current income is below 150% of the federal poverty level for your household size.
If you are struggling with your student loans, please fill out this form to get help from the State of Massachusetts Ombudsman's Student Loan Assistance Unit.